Chemical Peels

What are the different types of peels?
What are the benefits of chemical peels?
How long does a treatment take?
What does a treatment feel like?
What do I expect after a treatment?
Is there any risk involved with these peels?
How many treatments should I have?
Can I combine a peel with microdermabrasion?

Absolutely. This is by far the most effective way to improve your skin`s appearance. A combination program of chemical peel-microdermabrasion should also be followed for six weeks for optimal results. Share the Love of Virtual Tour of Skin Appeal Clinic.


What are the types of microdermabrasion treatment?
What result can I expect?
How soon can I see the results?
Is this the same microdermabrasion that I can get in a day-spa? ?
How long does a treatment take?
How many treatments would I need??
Who should consider microdermabrasion?
What should I do after the treatment?

Permanent Laser Hair Reduction

How does a laser hair removal feel like? Is this painful?
What should I do before a treatment?
What should I expect after a treatment?
How many treatments would I need?
How long should I wait between treatments?
What should I do to manage the hair between the treatments?
Are the results permanent?
Does laser hair removal treat ingrown hairs?
Does the Lumenis Diode Laser work on different skin colors?
Does Lumenis Diode Laser work on different skin colors?
What advantages does the Lumenis Diode Laser have over other laser hair removal systems?
Is the Lumenis Diode Laser FDA approved?

Blue Light Therapy Micro Pulse

Is the BLU-U a laser?
How long is a BLU-U light therapy session?
Who performs the BLU-U light therapy procedure?


What is a Mesotherapy?
What are the benefits of Mesotherapy over surgical techniques, such as liposuction?
What cosmetic conditions can Mesotherapy treat?
How does Mesotherapy reduce or eliminate cellulite and fat?
What are Mesotherapy’s anti-aging and skin rejuvenation uses?
How does Mesotherapy promote weight loss and spot reduction?
When do I see results?
How long the results last?
Are the treatments painful?
Are there any side effects?
Are there any restrictions?

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy(PRP)

What is the process?
What facial and body areas can be treated?
What are the benefits of PRP?
Do I need a skin test?
Are the results immediate?
How long does a result last?
Does the treatment hurt?
What can I expect after a treatment?
Can I return to work immediately?

Botox and Juvederm

What is hyaluronic acid (HA)?
What are the different types of wrinkles?
What is the difference between BOTOX and JUVEDERM XC?
What is JUVEDERM XC approved for?
Am I a candidate for treatment with JUVEDERM XC?
What should I discuss with my doctor before getting treatment with JUVEDERM XC?
What makes JUVEDERM XC different from other dermal fillers?
How is JUVEDERM XC non-surgical filler used in treatment?
What will treatment with JUVEDERM XC non-surgical filler accomplish?
Is treatment with JUVEDERM XC non-surgical filler painful?
How long does treatment usually take?
What kind of doctor can provide treatment with JUVEDERM XC non-surgical filler?
Does the correction last forever?
What are the possible side effects of JUVERDEM XC non-surgical filler?
Can people with different skin tones/ colors be treated with JUVEDERM XC?
Can treatments with JUVEDERM XC and JUVEDREM VOLUMA XC be administered at the same time?
What is the difference between JUVEDERM XC and JUVEDERM VOLUMA XC?


What are the benefits of Cryolipolysis?